After exploring the office, we got invited to the meeting room for the interview with two Co-Founders CEO Ondřej Dobruský and COO Adam Bém. They told us about their founding story, how this big project started, what they’re doing now, and how the VR world will be like in the future.
Victoria VR founding story
– Thank you for guiding us to the office. It was a very nice office and I was impressed. You two are founders, how did this Victoria VR project start?
Ondřej: Our project started in a small room three years ago. At that time, I was living in the flat with my young colleague Adam Bém. I always wanted to create this kind of “game“, combining together the best parts and ideas of all the games, movies and my life. And after we saw together the movie “Ready Player One”, we have been so excited about it saying we can’t wait when someone will actually create it, so we decided to not to want to wait for others, and we are the ones who create it! We have shared together all our ideas and mixed them together. Adam loves Blockchain, he always was talking about all the new projects, so we have decided to create the whole virtual world blockchain based – Transparent and owned by its users. We also created the Victoria VR token ( VR ) which is the main currency of the virtual world – Vicrotia VR ( Victoria is an old latin word means Victory ). We have rent one small room (20m squared) and started working on the First MMORPG in Virtual Reality with realistic graphics.
ASB: The project has grown to this point in three years. Did you expect the project to grow to this extent in three years?
Adam: It’s amazing compared to that time, but our project is so grand that we could predict it to grow to this extent. The office moved here just three months ago and it is a lot bigger than it used to be, now we have 46 developers and we’re planning to increase that to 120 by end of this year.
ASB: What do you think made the project so big?
O: After all, ideas and timing are important, and I think that two of them were included in our project. We have been detaily planning this project for a really long time, waiting for the right technologies and testing their combinations. After we finally found the solution to build a fully upgraditable virtual world in Virtual Reality on level that was never possible before, we went all in. Thanks to our unique solution we have been able to extremely speed up the whole development and rocketly grow very fast. That’s why we were able to collaborate with Czech Invest and many other important partners to make the project so big.
About the project, Victoria VR are currently working on
ASB: I would like to talk about the project. When will we be able to see the Victoria VR metaverse with our own eyes?
O: The whole Metaverse will expand forever. We’re not waiting for it to be released until we’ve built all the Metaverse, so we’re going to launch it step by step, the first is The Big Market VR which should be launched by end of this year that will be the beginning of Victoria VR’s virtual reality world and than gradually the whole island ASAP and add more features, locations, and game quests in the future.
ASB: Next, I would like to talk about VR token, which is the currency of the virtual world. When do you sell your VR token to public?
A: There already was a community presale and was sold out in under 24 hours. The last round is the main sale, it should be within 2 months, I hope next month and right after listing.
ASB: In the Victoria VR project, what is the position of the VR token and how you can get it?
A: We are creating Play to Earn metaverse, so users will be rewarded with these VR tokens for playing and investors for Staking them. 50% of all tokens got by Victoria VR for selling assets goes back to the Rewards Pool, so the motivating economy is never-ending.
ASB: Next, I would like to ask about the virtual reality that Victoria VR builds. Can you tell us specifically what kind of virtual reality world you are trying to build?
O: Since we want to make Victoria VR’s virtual reality “Best Graphic Spot”, we have adopted Epic Games’ Unreal Engine to bring the visuals to a high level of quality. Besides We made the whole world by referring to the five elements of Feng Shui.
ASB: Who is your target for the current Victoria VR project?
A: The target of our project right now is gamers mainly. After all, for creating the world of virtual reality, their passion and ability are indispensable. However, our project is it’s for everyone, not just gamers. We are creating worlds, where people can actually live, own everything they made, and you can do anything you can imagine.
ASB: It’s a dream project. I think that a creative mind is indispensable to realize such a world. How do you train such things in Victoria VR?
O: What we are trying to achieve is something that no one has ever done, so it is important to have an open mind to find ways to do things we couldn’t do before and to actively learn new things.We always want to pick talented people to work with. All things can be achieved. Everything is possible.
ASB: Everything is possible, that’s a wonderful word. Regarding the project, finally, please tell us about the role of DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization) in the virtual reality of Victoria VR.
A:The world of Victoria VR is a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO).
This means that users will be in control of the policies created to determine how the world behaves and evolves.
The DAO owns the most important smart contracts and assets that make up Victoria VR, giving control to the future evolution of Victoria VR to the people who create and play in this virtual space, the users. All in-game assets and those directly created by the users are registered on the blockchain. Victoria VR World is fully owned by its users who create the rules for the whole community. So basically owners of VR Lands and VR tokens will be able to vote and decide about the future of Victoria VR! Everything is on blockchain, 100% transparent and fair.
The future of VR
ASB: Thank you for sharing with us about DAO. Next, I would like to ask about the future world of VR. What do you think is necessary for the VR world to become more popular?
O: The first is a headset. Today’s headsets don’t perform well, so I hope they get better. Then, now that we’re in this difficult time, meetings and everything is online, but I don’t think zoom is enough, so I think virtual reality will be another step or another logical step for the current situation. With VR, you can go anywhere while you are at home, and with a PC, which is bad for your eyes, but with VR, that is not the case, and once you get used to it, you can wear goggles for about 20 hours in a row.
ASB: What do you think will happen from now on in the VR world and metaverse?
A: Well, we often talk about what the world will look like in the future with the team.
Metaverse is a new world that has never been seen before, and I think that various things will happen, but when it comes to spending more time in the world of virtual reality, everyone will think that they are just avatars. There is no doubt that banks and companies will come out. In addition, facilities such as museums and universities will appear, and you will be able to experience various things more efficiently than in reality. There will be social problems that are happening in reality, and DAO will create rules to prevent them. It will actually be a very interesting social experiment!
ASB: By the way, what is your impression of Japan?
O: Robots are excellent in Japan. Do you know the word “robot” comes from the Czech language? It’s a word coined by Karel Čapek.
ASB: I didn’t know that. Finally, tell us about the future that Victoria VR is looking at.
A: What we are aiming for is “Better than this world”. In other words, to create a better world than the one we have now. Through the Victoria VR project, we will realize something new and create a world that everyone can feel great.
ASB: Better than this world! This is a fantastic word! And thank you for sharing us your philosophy and the passion!
■Victoria VR